Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Case for Marble


Hi guys.  Well it's time I came clean.  As I hinted a couple weeks ago, I did something that I said I wouldn't do.  Many people will think I'm crazy.  Heck, you may think I'm crazy.   But it's done.  And this thing - the thing that I said I wouldn't do - is cut, polished, and glued in place.  Permanently.  

The Ravenna House | Kitchen Progress

That's right.  I am now the proud owner of marble countertops!  Hooray!

So I am obviously super excited, but not everyone is going to that way.  Some people's crazy sensors are probably going off right about now.  See marble is a controversial choice in the world of kitchen countertops.  It's pourous.  It stains.  It etches.  It's soft.  And it needs maintenance.  So why would I use it?  Well let's back up.  Let me make my case for marble...

Pilar Guzman's Kitchen | Designed by Tyler Hays

Deciding Factor number one: they are beautiful! Okay, so everyone knows that. Or at least I think everyone does (could it be possible that people have different taste than me...unlikely!).  I've never liked a countertop surface as much as marble and I doubt I ever will (case in point, this awesome kitchen island in Brooklyn).  I am going to be thrilled - no ecstatic - to walk into my kitchen and see these countertops. Every. Single. Day.

Faith's Kitchen | Marble Island

Deciding factor number two: marble is a historic material.  I love to use materials that were used in the same time period as when the house was built.  And marble fits the bill.  Combine this with deciding factor number one and we have a winner!  

Emily's Granite Island | Cupcakes and Cashmere

Deciding factor number three: I don't like the alternatives as much as the real deal.  There are tons of Carrara-marble-look-alikes on the market today - mainly quartz and granite - but they lack that certain je na sais quoi of marble.  Okay, so they're more durable.  And less prone to staining, etching, and scratching.  But, they also tend to feel cold or have a "man-made" quality or be too dark or too light.  So while they look nice and work well in plenty of very stunning kitchens around this country (most notably Emily's beautiful granite island), they aren't for me.  At least not now.  I am prepared to eat my words if I find our marble countertops too high-maintenance in the future.  (See why designer Amber Lewis recommends against marble here).

Joan's Kitchen | For the Love of a House

Deciding factor number four: I like a little patina.  Yes, marble countertops will show some wear in the form of staining, etching, and scratches/chips. But it really doesn't bother me.  In fact, I like patina.  I'm a sucker for the antique.  The old.  The historic.  I love age and all the wear and stories that comes with it.  So I don't think I'll mind the patina.  Here are some other people wearing-in marble (and loving the patina) as we speak...

Martha Stewart's Kitchen | Designed by Beth Weinstein

Deciding factor number five: I really wanted marble.  Ultimately that was it. I couldn't talk myself out of it no matter how much research I did.  In the end, I was going to be disappointed if we went with anything else.   So that was that.  

Am I crazy?  Maybe.  Mmmmmm....okay, probably.  

But who cares.  Because I am one excited home owner.  Do you have marble in the kitchen or are you thinking about getting it?  I'd love to hear about it!


p.s. I am back in Seattle.  Missing the 70 degrees of Arizona.  

p.p.s. I am dying to do a big kitchen reveal.  But first we need to finish the kitchen...  Painting is up next.  And then tiling the backsplash.  And finally installing the appliances and refinishing the hardwood floors.  

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